Table 4.2

Assessment and treatment plan*

Assessing risk of diabetes complications 
 • ASCVD and heart failure history 
 • ASCVD risk factors and 10-year ASCVD risk assessment 
 • Staging of chronic kidney disease (see Table 11.1
 • Hypoglycemia risk (see Table 4.3
 • Assessment for retinopathy 
 • Assessment for neuropathy 
Goal setting 
 • Set A1C/blood glucose/time in range target 
 • If hypertension is present, establish blood pressure target 
 • Diabetes self-management goals 
Therapeutic treatment plans 
 • Lifestyle management 
 • Pharmacologic therapy: glucose lowering 
 • Pharmacologic therapy: cardiovascular and renal disease risk factors 
 • Use of glucose monitoring and insulin delivery devices 
 • Referral to diabetes education and medical specialists (as needed) 
Assessing risk of diabetes complications 
 • ASCVD and heart failure history 
 • ASCVD risk factors and 10-year ASCVD risk assessment 
 • Staging of chronic kidney disease (see Table 11.1
 • Hypoglycemia risk (see Table 4.3
 • Assessment for retinopathy 
 • Assessment for neuropathy 
Goal setting 
 • Set A1C/blood glucose/time in range target 
 • If hypertension is present, establish blood pressure target 
 • Diabetes self-management goals 
Therapeutic treatment plans 
 • Lifestyle management 
 • Pharmacologic therapy: glucose lowering 
 • Pharmacologic therapy: cardiovascular and renal disease risk factors 
 • Use of glucose monitoring and insulin delivery devices 
 • Referral to diabetes education and medical specialists (as needed) 

ASCVD, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.


Assessment and treatment planning are essential components of initial and all follow-up visits.

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