Table 4

Incidence of clinical neuropathy, abnormal NCSs, and confirmed clinical neuropathy at DCCT closeout and EDIC years 13–14 among subjects who did not fulfill the specific criterion for neuropathy at the preceding evaluation

VariableDCCT baselineDCCT closeoutEDIC years 13–14
Clinical neuropathy    
    INT 57/600 (10) 57/533 (11) 145/505 (29) 
    CONV 48/581 (8) 96/526 (18) 154/448 (34) 
Abnormal NCSs    
    INT 185/601 (31) 73/410 (18) 195/430 (45) 
    CONV 196/582 (34) 137/382 (36) 151/290 (52) 
Confirmed clinical neuropathy    
    INT 39/600 (7) 32/551 (6) 117/541 (22) 
    CONV 31/581 (5) 75/543 (14) 136/479 (28) 
VariableDCCT baselineDCCT closeoutEDIC years 13–14
Clinical neuropathy    
    INT 57/600 (10) 57/533 (11) 145/505 (29) 
    CONV 48/581 (8) 96/526 (18) 154/448 (34) 
Abnormal NCSs    
    INT 185/601 (31) 73/410 (18) 195/430 (45) 
    CONV 196/582 (34) 137/382 (36) 151/290 (52) 
Confirmed clinical neuropathy    
    INT 39/600 (7) 32/551 (6) 117/541 (22) 
    CONV 31/581 (5) 75/543 (14) 136/479 (28) 

Data are n (%).

P < 0.001 former intensive treatment group (INT) vs. former conventional treatment group (CONV).

P = 0.125.

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