Table 2—

Predictors and ORs from the best models predicting 1996 macro- and microvascular, infectious, and metabolic events, derivation data set

M/M events (n = 1,997)
ID events (n = 810)
MET events (n = 187)
PredictorORNumerical scorePredictorORNumerical scorePredictorORNumerical score
Outpatient M/M diag-   Inpatient events (1994–1995)   Inpatient MET events (1994–   
  noses (1994–1995)    No 1.00    1995)   
 No 1.00   Yes 2.64*  No 1.00  
 Yes 2.70* Outpatient M/M diagnoses    Yes 6.90* 
Inpatient M/M events     (1994–1995)   Diabetes treatment    
  (1994–1995)    No 1.00    Diet only (reference) 1.00 
 No 1.00   Yes 1.45*  Oral agents only 0.40 −3 
 Yes 1.70* Age (one decade) 1.34*   Insulin and oral agents 0.52 
Age (one decade) 1.24*  Number of visits to specialists    Insulin only 1.60 
Antihypertensives    None (reference) 1.00  Mean HbA1c (1994–1995) 
 None (reference) 1.00   1–3 1.09   <7.0% (reference) 1.00  
 One 1.21  4–6 1.31   7–8% 1.29  
 Two or more 1.58*  ≥7 1.67*  9–10% 1.93  
Serum creatinine   Serum creatinine    ≥10% 5.07* 
 <1.0 mg/dl 1.00   <1.0 (reference) 1.00   Missing 2.29 
 1.0–1.3 1.16   1.0–1.3 1.13  Age (one decade) 0.81*  
 1.3–1.5 1.24   1.3–1.5 1.74§ Emergency department visit   
 1.5–2.0 1.46§  1.5–2.0 1.85*   (1994–1995)   
 >2.0 1.82*   >2.0 2.49*  No 1.00  
 Missing 0.86   Missing 0.78   Yes 2.04§ 
Diabetes treatment   Outpatient ID diagnoses   Obesity status   
 Diet only (reference) 1.00    (1994–1995)    Lean (reference) 1.00  
 Oral agents only 1.09   No 1.00   Obese 0.39* −3 
 Insulin and oral 1.06   Yes 1.81*  Morbidly obese 0.21* −3 
  agents   Nonmaternity hospitalizations    BMI missing 1.04  
 Insulin only 1.42*   (1993–1995)   Race   
Mean HbA1c (1994–    No 1.00   White (reference) 1.00  
  1995)    Yes 1.37§  Black 1.00  
 <7.0% (reference) 1.00  Treatment    Hispanic/Latino 0.67  
 7–8% 1.11   Diet only (reference) 1.00   Asian 0.22 −3 
 8–10% 1.33§  Oral agents only 1.02   Native American/Other 1.00 
 ≥10% 1.70*  Insulin and oral agents 1.41  Missing 0.90  
 Missing 1.22   Insulin only 1.47§ Inpatient M/M events (1994–   
Albuminuria        1995)   
 Absent 1.00      No 1.00  
 Present 1.25§     Yes 1.76 
 Missing 1.24§    Sex   
Primary care visits       Female 1.00  
 None (reference) 1.00      Male 0.61 −2 
 1–3 1.13     Smoking status   
 4–6 1.17      Nonsmoker (reference) 1.00  
 >7 1.43     Ex-smoker 1.02  
Outpatient diagnosis       Current smoker 1.58 
  of obesity       Missing 0.72 
 No 1.00     Use of antilipemic   
 Yes 0.73§ –      medications   
Outpatient ID diagnoses       No 1.00 
 No 1.00      Yes 0.48§ −3 
 Yes 1.25§ –1    Mean LDL cholesterol   
Mean total cholesterol        <160 mg/dl (reference) 1.00 
 <240 mg/dl (reference) 1.00       ≥160 mg/dl 2.02 
 ≥240 mg/dl 1.27§      Missing 1.04 
 Missing 1.07        
Self-report of neuropathy         
 No 1.00        
 Yes 1.26§       
 Missing 1.06        
 <9 years 1.11        
 9–11 years 0.89        
 High-school graduate 1.00        
 Some college 0.99        
 College graduate 0.97        
 Graduate school 0.76 −1     
 Missing 1.08        
Type of diabetes      
 Type 2 (reference) 1.00      
 Type 1 0.64 −2       
 Uncertain 0.71      
 Missing 1.02        
 Female 1.00        
 Male 1.13        
M/M events (n = 1,997)
ID events (n = 810)
MET events (n = 187)
PredictorORNumerical scorePredictorORNumerical scorePredictorORNumerical score
Outpatient M/M diag-   Inpatient events (1994–1995)   Inpatient MET events (1994–   
  noses (1994–1995)    No 1.00    1995)   
 No 1.00   Yes 2.64*  No 1.00  
 Yes 2.70* Outpatient M/M diagnoses    Yes 6.90* 
Inpatient M/M events     (1994–1995)   Diabetes treatment    
  (1994–1995)    No 1.00    Diet only (reference) 1.00 
 No 1.00   Yes 1.45*  Oral agents only 0.40 −3 
 Yes 1.70* Age (one decade) 1.34*   Insulin and oral agents 0.52 
Age (one decade) 1.24*  Number of visits to specialists    Insulin only 1.60 
Antihypertensives    None (reference) 1.00  Mean HbA1c (1994–1995) 
 None (reference) 1.00   1–3 1.09   <7.0% (reference) 1.00  
 One 1.21  4–6 1.31   7–8% 1.29  
 Two or more 1.58*  ≥7 1.67*  9–10% 1.93  
Serum creatinine   Serum creatinine    ≥10% 5.07* 
 <1.0 mg/dl 1.00   <1.0 (reference) 1.00   Missing 2.29 
 1.0–1.3 1.16   1.0–1.3 1.13  Age (one decade) 0.81*  
 1.3–1.5 1.24   1.3–1.5 1.74§ Emergency department visit   
 1.5–2.0 1.46§  1.5–2.0 1.85*   (1994–1995)   
 >2.0 1.82*   >2.0 2.49*  No 1.00  
 Missing 0.86   Missing 0.78   Yes 2.04§ 
Diabetes treatment   Outpatient ID diagnoses   Obesity status   
 Diet only (reference) 1.00    (1994–1995)    Lean (reference) 1.00  
 Oral agents only 1.09   No 1.00   Obese 0.39* −3 
 Insulin and oral 1.06   Yes 1.81*  Morbidly obese 0.21* −3 
  agents   Nonmaternity hospitalizations    BMI missing 1.04  
 Insulin only 1.42*   (1993–1995)   Race   
Mean HbA1c (1994–    No 1.00   White (reference) 1.00  
  1995)    Yes 1.37§  Black 1.00  
 <7.0% (reference) 1.00  Treatment    Hispanic/Latino 0.67  
 7–8% 1.11   Diet only (reference) 1.00   Asian 0.22 −3 
 8–10% 1.33§  Oral agents only 1.02   Native American/Other 1.00 
 ≥10% 1.70*  Insulin and oral agents 1.41  Missing 0.90  
 Missing 1.22   Insulin only 1.47§ Inpatient M/M events (1994–   
Albuminuria        1995)   
 Absent 1.00      No 1.00  
 Present 1.25§     Yes 1.76 
 Missing 1.24§    Sex   
Primary care visits       Female 1.00  
 None (reference) 1.00      Male 0.61 −2 
 1–3 1.13     Smoking status   
 4–6 1.17      Nonsmoker (reference) 1.00  
 >7 1.43     Ex-smoker 1.02  
Outpatient diagnosis       Current smoker 1.58 
  of obesity       Missing 0.72 
 No 1.00     Use of antilipemic   
 Yes 0.73§ –      medications   
Outpatient ID diagnoses       No 1.00 
 No 1.00      Yes 0.48§ −3 
 Yes 1.25§ –1    Mean LDL cholesterol   
Mean total cholesterol        <160 mg/dl (reference) 1.00 
 <240 mg/dl (reference) 1.00       ≥160 mg/dl 2.02 
 ≥240 mg/dl 1.27§      Missing 1.04 
 Missing 1.07        
Self-report of neuropathy         
 No 1.00        
 Yes 1.26§       
 Missing 1.06        
 <9 years 1.11        
 9–11 years 0.89        
 High-school graduate 1.00        
 Some college 0.99        
 College graduate 0.97        
 Graduate school 0.76 −1     
 Missing 1.08        
Type of diabetes      
 Type 2 (reference) 1.00      
 Type 1 0.64 −2       
 Uncertain 0.71      
 Missing 1.02        
 Female 1.00        
 Male 1.13        

P < 0.0001;

P < 0.01;


P < 0.001;

P < 0.05;

age was treated as a continuous variable and scored as follows: macro- and microvascular model 19–29 years = 0, 30–39 years = 1, 40–59 years = 2, ≥60 years = 3; infectious disease model 19–29 years = 0, 30–39 years = 1, 40–49 years = 2, ≥50 years = 3; metabolic model 19–29 years = 0; 30–39 years = −1, 40–59 years = −2, ≥60 years = −3; ID, infectious disease; MET, metabolic; M/M, macro- and microvascular.

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